Thursday, May 12, 2011

justin bieber now and before

justin bieber now and before. Justin Bieber#39;s #39;Never Say
  • Justin Bieber#39;s #39;Never Say

  • RaceTripper
    Jan 9, 11:52 AM

    very nice! The 135 is a quick car! (especially because its sooooo light).
    How do you like the handling on it though?
    For me personally I would probably not get the 1 series for some reason, I'm just not a fan of the looks that much - now the 335i coupe, thats a killer car!
    The 135i will likely be my next car (or a 1-Series M Coupe). It's not really that light though. At 3400 lbs. it weighs about what a E46 3-series weighs (while at 3600 lbs. the new E90/92 3 Series weighs what the E39 5-series weighed). BMWs just keeping getting bigger and heavier. My JCW is light, at 2600 lbs. :)

    The 135i is certainly quick though.

    justin bieber now and before. with justin bieber before
  • with justin bieber before

  • MacRumors
    Jul 13, 10:21 PM (

    Macworld has posted a roundup of recent analyst speculation ( on the possibility of Apple using Blu-ray in forthcoming products. Most analysts seem to agree that Apple will first include the technology on its professional "Mac Pro" line before transitioning it to its consumer products.

    "Apple’s past practices favor bringing new optical technologies to professional systems first,” said Jupiter Research senior analyst Joe Wilcox. “DVD-RAM and DVD-R formats are excellent examples.”

    The exact timing of Blu-ray's introduction into the Mac Pro is uncertain, however.

    Ross Rubin, director of analysis at market-research firm NPD Group, agrees that Apple will work with the professional machines first. However, noting that Intel-based pro desktops have yet to appear, he predicts Blu-ray drives won’t wind up in Apple systems for a few more months.

    “January would be good—the timing for that would work out pretty well,” Rubin said. “It comes down to the introduction cycle, but we would see it in desktops first, no doubt.”

    Blu-ray is a next-generation optical disk format that can hold up to 25 GB of data per layer compared to rival HD DVD's 15 GB per layer. In April, TDK produced a 6 layer Blu-ray disk ( that could hold up to 200 GB when the single-layer maximum was pushed to 33 GB. Currently, Blu-ray players are scarce and cost over $1000 USD, and the format has seen several delays. Much of the industry is watching Sony's Playstation 3 ( game console which is expected to arrive in November 2006 and should push Blu-ray prices down.

    Apple joined Blu-ray's Board of Directors ( in March of 2005.

    Digg This (

    justin bieber now and before. Now Justin Bieber shows up on
  • Now Justin Bieber shows up on

  • quagmire
    Jan 5, 08:01 AM
    To the BMW guys, how reliable is the E46 325i?
    I have a chance to pick one up for a fairly low cost (Less than $6,000 canadian). It is pretty much mint and VERY well maintained.
    Car has a bit higher miles (~125,000 miles/ 205,000km), but I am guessing well maintained they will last quite a while?

    I really enjoyed my brothers E36, and I just got rid of my project cars so I figure this would be a nice change.

    My brothers/dads old E46 330xi has been giving him trouble with 150,000 miles on it. Things do wear out, but it seems like every time I hear about the car, it is broken.

    justin bieber now and before. +is+justin+ieber+now+2011
  • +is+justin+ieber+now+2011

  • Link2999
    Sep 24, 07:59 PM
    Does it affect the iPod touch itself?

    Not at all. It's pretty easy to clean too, just use a damp paper towel.

    Another thing I noticed, if anyone still has their 1st generation iPod Touch's stand (the little plastic default one that came with it), it works pretty well on the 4th generation iPod with the Grip Vue case.

    justin bieber now and before. Rare justin dec , little
  • Rare justin dec , little

  • poppe
    Sep 1, 12:30 PM
    My Guess:

    iMac 17" - 1299
    1.83 GHz
    512MB RAM
    160 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 - 128

    iMac 20" - 1699
    2.0 GHz upgradable to 2.16
    512MB RAM
    250 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 128 upgradable to 256 (As is already)

    iMac 23": 1900 x 1200 - 1999
    2.16 GHz upgradable to 2.33
    1 GB Standard
    250 SATA upgradable to 500 (as 17" and 20" is)
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 256
    FW 800

    I didn't say upgradable on 17" and 20" hard drives because we already know that.

    In a dream world I'd say the 23" vCard would go to the x1800 or something

    justin bieber now and before. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • GreatestDane
    Jan 30, 07:53 AM
    I can't imagine many thieves break into cars to try to steal a built-in navigation system that is in full view on the car's dashboard though.

    Maybe not in the US, but in Denmark built-in navigation costs in the region of 10000$ (I don't know how much it is in America), and if you see a car with it, you immediately think: "those people have money.", and if a thief (burglar?) thinks so to he is more likely to steal (from) your car.

    justin bieber now and before. like Justin Bieber now.
  • like Justin Bieber now.

  • OrganMusic
    Apr 11, 10:10 PM
    I've driven a friends Passat with DSG and it's better than a conventional automatic, but still meh as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps it's faster to 60 and more efficient but I don't care.

    My reasons for preferring manual are:

    1. Engine always feels connected to the wheels. Yes the DSG helps with this.

    2. I'm always conscious of what gear I'm in without having to look down at the indicator.

    3. In an AT car when driving around town (~35-40 mph) in full auto mode, it's going to be in top gear so any time you want to speed up even a little you have to give it more gas, then wait for it to decide to downshift before you get any response. And if you've given it enough gas to do that it usually slams into the new gear and you get a jerk instead of a nice smooth pull.

    4. Manual shift paddles can help with this, but now you've got to drive in manual mode all the time which I find a PITA (see #2). No easy access to N for coasting etc.

    5. Just feel more connected to the machine.

    I even got my wife to like manual when she was driving my old Mazda3 while her car was in the shop. We now own two MINIs both in 6-speed manual.

    I drive in Chicago traffic all the time and in fact hate having to stand on the brake in an AT all the time. The clutches in most smaller cars (e.g. our MINIs) are light enough it's really not that much work.

    justin bieber now and before. Concert+justin+ieber+2011
  • Concert+justin+ieber+2011

  • 3N16MA
    Nov 23, 09:33 PM

    X-rays and casting. It counts as a purchase.

    Hope you got a deal. :D

    justin bieber now and before. Justin Bieber Shot Killed On
  • Justin Bieber Shot Killed On

  • dguisinger
    Aug 7, 07:42 AM
    There will never be NTFS write abilities in Mac OS X for a long time as Microsoft still keeps NTFS writing a propritary technology only licensed for use in Windows XP.

    Oh, i wouldnt say that....
    Microsoft and Apple did a 5-yr cross license of patents in 1997. Now, that doesnt mean you get access for only 5 years, that means anything that was patented up to 2002 is cross licensed perpetually between the two companies.

    If NTFS is patented, it was around well before that date. If its not, then Apple just has to write the code to write NTFS.

    Interesting question is; when did the first iPod patents arrive? Does MS have access to anything for Zune that creative & co didnt?

    justin bieber now and before. Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus
  • Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus

  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 01:11 PM
    Wow, this would be amazing. Screw my plan to buy an ACD if this happens. A MacBook and a 23" iMac would look awesome on my new glass desk. ;)All you need is an external keyboard, mouse and a $700 Dell 24" Display to exceed a 23" iMac Caitlyn. Your MacBook is just as powerful as today's iMacs are. Put a FW 400GB HD on the floor and you're good to go. ;)

    justin bieber now and before. Will justin by anmar Before
  • Will justin by anmar Before

  • Macopotamus
    Mar 22, 03:50 PM
    an email from SEPTEMBER of last year is relevant now? maybe they didn't have plans then but are killing it now? things change

    kind of strange to mention a 9 month old email dont you think?

    justin bieber now and before. to draw Justin Bieber step
  • to draw Justin Bieber step

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 2, 08:06 PM
    While you may think your sarcasm-laden post witty, the fact remains that you have not stated any kind of revelation.

    They do not care about ONE consumer...but they certainly are going to care about the thousands of units that are being returned and exchanged in hopes of finding one good unit.

    I would tell you to review the iPad forum but I have a feeling that message would be lost on somebody so insistent on keeping their head in the sand.

    thousands of ipads being returned?! source?
    what really happened is about 5-10 people unfortunately got a defective unit, then freaked out, and called all the news sites around, so they can tell the world how mad they were about there product, that they surly got a free replacement model.

    justin bieber now and before. the eff Justin Bieber is.
  • the eff Justin Bieber is.

  • kugino
    Aug 7, 02:41 AM
    I just love this Vista trashing. I seriously hope Apple can create enough stir to put Vista in the 'Recycle Bin'. :p
    sadly, all this vista trashing is probably not going to sway the masses to go out and buy a mac. i mean, who in the general population even knows that WWDC is upon us? still, it's fun for the rest of us who do care! :)

    justin bieber now and before. Justin Bieber now use a car
  • Justin Bieber now use a car

  • bigandy
    Sep 6, 09:22 AM
    i think it's a good move - all dual core. nuff said.

    justin bieber now and before. now bieber music you can get
  • now bieber music you can get

  • bigmc6000
    Jul 18, 08:02 AM
    I think it'd be a good idea. What most people in here seem to forget about is that there are millions of people who don't have DVD burners, much less DL DVD burners. Also, if the quality gets much more than 480p we're talking about quite a few older computers not being able to play it back very well. I think my 1.5GHz Powerbook is technically (according to apple) limited at 480p so if there's any slow down or jerkiness to get it to 720p I'm not a big fan of that.

    I think rental is a good idea - I've gone to blockbuster a few times and I've even watched some films from my cable company just because I didn't feel like going to blockbuster. But if they can make the price good (1.99 or 2.99 tops) it'd still be cheaper than either of the options I just listed and it'd be whole lot easier to do it.

    I like download to buy for music but I'm with a lot of people on here in that if I want to own a movie I'll just go to target the day it's released and get it for $16.

    One more thing - you don't want Steve to win this round because the studios would require an absurd pricing model. Look at the universal store - 29.99 for new releases?!?! If you want the DVD just go to Walmart or Target etc and get it way below MSRP otherwise the movie companies are going to make apple do what the retails do - take a loss on every single one sold and I really don't think Steve would be down with that...

    justin bieber now and before. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • TwinCities Dan
    Nov 25, 06:18 PM

    so true

    late entry to post of the year

    may i suggest a case for when you're out on the road

    :rolleyes: Wow, so you liked Surely's comment so much you had to pretend you came up with it? Ohhh, copykris, now I get it! :p

    Let's get back to the purchases...

    I bought 4 of these

    and some of this

    justin bieber now and before. photos Hours efore justin
  • photos Hours efore justin

  • moondog190
    Feb 24, 01:19 PM
    left to right:
    20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen. 16gb iPod Touch, Late 2008 MacBook Pro on top of Griffin iStand controlled by an Apple wireless keyboard and Magic mouse, 1TB Seagate external HDD, 32gb Ipad wifi only, 21" Samsung display, 2cd Gen. :apple: TV, Razer Lycosa keyboard and Razer Death Adder mouse which controls a Windows XP box i built for my job(under the desk). You can barly see it but there is also a Power PC Mac Mini on top of the Windows machince which acts as a FTP server.:apple::apple::apple:

    justin bieber now and before. +justin+ieber+now+in+2011
  • +justin+ieber+now+in+2011

  • spencers
    Nov 26, 07:11 PM
    I just bought a mazda 3 to on Monday, I love it, its fun to drive to.

    To where?

    justin bieber now and before. +justin+ieber+now+in+2011
  • +justin+ieber+now+in+2011

  • Marx55
    Aug 16, 04:36 PM
    This would be a killer product if also booting Mac OS X mobile (to be released):

    1. Make Keynote or PowerPoint presentations on Mac or PC.

    2. Transfer to wireless iPod.

    3. Carry only the iPod with you and use it as a wireless remote control to give a wireless presentation.

    No cables or computers involved. Wow! It will sell millions in the corporate, education and domestic markets. Imagine the tremendous halo efect! Apple will double or triple market share of Mac as well!

    Apr 8, 10:47 AM
    And there I thought that Microshaft stopped development of Internet Exploder for the Mac because Apple released Safari. Which happened first?

    read above- apple released safari first (altho imac_japan will deny that. he denies anything anyone writes except himself). M$ thot that safari was too good for them to be able to compete, so they withdrew. this was plan that was already in motion to remove all stand alone versions of IE (win/mac).

    Well....then Is this the Mac-files ?
    Is there a conspiracy ???

    no, but its true! ask most ppl here and they will tell you that. these were also both UK sites, and ive found that (no offense) UK sites dont usually provide an unbiased opinion about apple. IMHO, i think its cuz they're upset that the iPod mini and iTMS haven't been released there yet. :D

    JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 02:59 AM
    Any Aussies staying up? I think i will have to.

    Why can't Steve do his Keynote at like 4pm over in the US, that we'd be able to wake up at 9. Anyways! As long as he has a big sleigh i don't care

    Nov 25, 03:11 PM
    Certainly not the most expensive mac ever sold. The 1990-1992 40 Mhz II fx @ $8,970-$10,970 ( was shipping while the 1989-1993 II ci sported an MSRP of $8,800 at 25Mhz ( Cheapest the ci sold for even at developer discount at the end of its amazingly long 4+ year run was over $3,300, and those were early 90's dollars.

    So to my mind, a few grand on a new machine these days is dirt cheap.I forgot that. You are so right. Apple marketing would be well served to use that fact by reminding 8-core customers what they had to pay back in the day for what is practically NOTHING today. Thanks for that correction. Man that was a lot of money for so little power back then. :(

    Both could hold no more than 128MB of RAM running on a 40MHz or 25MHz bus respectively. Biggest possible HD was 160MB. Wow. Talk about a quantum leap. :eek:

    Sep 14, 12:08 PM
    Toyota fixes all vehicles because they all have the potential to have dangerous problems.

    Most iPhone owners have no problem whatsoever, and there's no danger at all to anyone.

    So Toyota HAS to fix them all. It would be pointless for Apple to fix all iPhones in the field when most of them never have an issue needing a fix. But if you do have a problem, let them know and they will fix it for you for free. That's hardly a burden for such a non-dangerous situation.

    We live in this ridiculous era of expectations. Apple comes out with a reasonable solution to a problem that affects a tiny percentage of users, and they get slammed for it. Hypocrisy.

    Not to mention, there have been three or fewer known stuck accelerators in Toyotas out of millions of cars. I cannot imagine that there are at least that many for every manufacturer. This was a media fail for both Apple and Toyota, not a product fail.

    Oct 23, 11:33 AM
    New MacBook Pro's and video iPods for some, abortions and miniature American flags for others


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